Emanuela Savini
Practice Lead & Lecturer
Emanuela is a researcher and professional who is highly committed to strengthening citizen-led action and exploring ways citizens have more influence over public policy decision-making. Her PhD research explored how government organisations adapt and operationalise deliberative engagement practices and she is keenly interested in ways to build capacity for democratic innovations in public management. In her practice, Emanuela is the Director of The Public Value Studio, an organisation that was established to support increased civic participation and community-led initiatives. She facilitates programs such as the Democracy Lab and is currently the Chair of the International Association for Public Participation Australasia (IAP2A) Research Working Group. Emanuela’s practice is founded on a deep belief that elevating the expertise of communities is fundamental to bringing about the change we want to see in our cities, and society more broadly.
Industry Experience
Director, The Public Value Studio, 2019 - current
Chair, Research Working Group and Australasian representative on the Diversity Equity and Inclusion Taskforce, International Association for Public Participation (IAP2), 2019 - current
Merri-bek City Council, 2008-2018
Key Publications
Savini, E., & Grant, B. (2020). Legislating deliberative engagement: Is local government in Victoria willing and able?. Australian Journal of Public Administration, 79(4), 514530.
Academic Fellowships
Industry Fellow, Institute Public Policy and Governance, University of Technology Sydney, 2019-2023
Academic Conferences
Deliberative Democracy Summer School
International Public Policy Association
Australian Political Science Conference (Panel)
International Research Society for Public Management Conference
Australian Political Science Conference
Political Organisations and Participation (POP) Workshop
International Research Society for Public Management Conference
Interpretive Policy Analysis Conference
Australian Political Science Conference
International Public Policy Association Conference
Academic Teaching Experience
Lecturer - Public Participation in Decision Making (Masters) UTS, 2020
Lecturer – Organisational Theory (Masters) UTS, 2020-21